Meandering uncertain waters

Meandering uncertain waters

Meandering uncertain waters ​ Over the past few weeks, many of us have been wondering how Tourism in South Africa, and more specifically, Stanford, is planning to navigate the impact of COVID-19. It is difficult to forecast, but we can possibly scenario plan. Of...

Lunch with Neill Anthony

Neill Anthony breezed into Stanford, cool as a cucumber. His casual T-shirt and jeans, and easy smile made him seem right at home at Haesfarm in the creative home of architect Harry Poortman and Steyn Jacobs. Guests were greeted by the cat on the driveway before...

Fantabulous Fynbos Flair

Here in Stanford, we’re really quite proud of all the cool stuff our village and surrounds has to offer. You’ve heard us wax lyrical about our river, mountains, our wine, our wildlife, our heritage and just gush in general about Stanford’s natural beauty (not to...